各位前輩好: 拜讀版上幾乎所有心得之後, 決定以60S Science聽寫當做聽力重訓的開始, 但今天聽寫之後遇到一些問題,不曉得要如何改善? 我今天反覆聽了約4-50分鐘,寫出以下聽寫內容,但對照原稿之後.... 不曉得我的問題該如何改善才能夠讓聽力變得更好? 感覺上是不熟悉的領域就會拼不出字, 因為打完聽寫之後也感覺得出結構有問題,但反覆聽N次仍聽不出正確的字... 我的目標是25up...感覺上還距離 非 常 遠... 如果需要簡單背景的話:(我個人覺得TOEIC對TOEFL沒有參考價值..) TOEIC 800 聽力/閱讀 400/400 音檔我上傳到免費空間:http://picosong.com/PAwa/ 以下是我的聽寫內容: Earlier this month … announced MIT Physic professor was lead the team of Science on the new machine ‘the adjective’ build the giant radio torlesco on the far side of the moon. you see, long long ago before their even was galexy far far away. The univerisity settle the two classmates decades. You will billion years period following the big band and produce the structure based as we know it. The strong was wrong take the face low frequency radio machine generated from this time, so they could learn more. Things…… Not the mentioned time and radio TV signals. A loud place here. Luckily, the moon located one side always faces them space making the free and clear of neu pollution. The MIT team was used other media viacos to arrenge hundreds of vatens across two square conamenter the moon quite side from this perch they hope here the way produce from the birth of universe and get they toon all can to be.