According to paragraph 4, all of the following are true of the food of
snowshoe hares EXCEPT
A The preferred food fore hares consists of willow and birch twigs.
B High fiber food is the most nutritious for hares.
C Depletion of the supply of willow and birch twigs cause low birth and growth
D The food supply takes two or three years to recover after a peak in hare
population density.
我的疑問是: D.動物數量到達高峰後才開始回復plants
況且willow and birch 是樹木類本身就是high fiber吧, B哪裡錯了?
是我哪裡邏輯不通嗎~"~a 求大大解釋! 感恩!
The preferred foods of snowshoe hares are willow and birch twigs.
As hare density increases, the quantity of these twigs decreases,
forcing the hares to feed on low-quality high-fiber food.
Lower birth rates, low juvenile survivorship, and low growth rates follow,
so there is a corresponding decline in hare abundance.
Once the hare population has declined, it takes two to three year
for the quantity of twigs to recover.