jinguo (想厝的心情)
2016-07-30 09:30:56感謝各位抬愛。
“Remember that your job is to select the important information from the
lecture and coherently and accurately present this information in relation
to the relevant information from the reading. Your response should contain
the following:
1. The specific ideas, explanations, and arguments in the lecture that
oppose or challenge points in the reading.
2. Coherent and accurate presentations of each point that you make; that
is, the language you use should make sense and should accurately
reflect the ideas presented in the lecture and the reading.
3. A clear, coherent structure that enables the reader to understand what
points in the lecture relate to what points in the reading.”
附上練習一則 (TPO 25)
What is said in the listening passage contradicts what is stated in the reading
passage. In fact, it is thought in the reading passage that the clay jars
vessels found in Iraq was less likely to be the first battery ever used by
human. However, it is considered in the listening passage that vessels
mentioned here could be the first battery that ever existed.
First, it is pointed out in the listening passage that the electricity
conductors of the vessels like metal wire could not be recognized due to the
lack of professionalism. Actually, none of the vessels were discovered by
archeologist. However, they were dug out by locals, who might overlook the
contents near the vessels and then discarded them in the beginning. This point
opposes the point in the reading passage that there were no electronic
conductors found near vessels.
Second, it is shown in the listening passage that although the vessels found in
Iraq share some resemblance with those found in Seleucia relics, we can’t
conclude that they served as the containers for scrolls for sacred texts.
Actually chances are people at the time later discovered that a small amount of
electric current could be generated from copper cylinders with iron rods and
liquid inside. So the purpose of the vessel has been changed. This point
challenges the point in the reading passage that it was simply used as a
Third, it is argued in the listening passage that the vessels could be
implemented as a tool either to convince people to believe that the invisible
powers or to heal people through the mild shock they generated. Actually, until
now we still use electricity as a treatment to stimulate muscles and ease aches
and pains. This point contracts with the point in the reading passage that
there was no needs required electricity in the past because no electric devices
were found nearby to prove the vessel was a battery.