trtr112 (pk)
2014-07-02 22:39:271. 如果那些軍人安全地返家,他們的家人將會慶祝.
If those soldiers return their homes safely, their families
will celebrate.
請問這句 return 後面可以加 to 嗎? 寫成 return to their homes....
學校老師說不能加 to, 真的嗎?
2. We will plant more trees./ We can save Mother Earth this way.
If we plant more trees, we can save Mother Earth this way.
請問這句合併後, this way, 可保留嗎? 老師說要去掉.
3. 還有一題忘了問. 有兩台電視在做比較, 左邊的明顯比右邊的大; 題目
問: Which one is larger?
回答: The left one is larger than the right one. 請問第二個 right one
的 one 可以省略嗎? 寫成: The left one is larger than the right.
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