cuppp (Sara)
2017-11-27 11:16:111. ____ in medical treatments have allowed doctors to cure illnesses that
were once always fatal.
(A) Advance (B) Advances (C) Advancement (D) Advancing
An:(B) 我選 (D) Advancing
因為我想說是Ving 當主詞....
2. Enclosed you will find your individual agreement of employment ___ the
terms and conditions of your contract.
(A) detail (B) details (C) detailing (D) detailed
An:(C) 我選 (B) details
當初傻傻以為detail 可以當V用... 請問為什麼D detailed 也不行?
PS: 這種題型我錯好多次了... 請問各位到底是怎麼把文法搞懂呢?
我已經針對文法看過文法書 & 爬文了,真的好洩氣... 面對分數 越來越玻璃心..