[題目] 文法題

作者: gone19 (gone19)   2018-09-17 00:35:33
頁數:p.112 no.125
The proposal
作者: eric10252013 (HC)   2018-09-17 09:24:00
真正的動詞在will be voted, 前面一整串都是主詞所以在沒有連接詞的狀況下不可以多選一個動詞喔transformed語意是[被transform的proposal]語意不合transform A into B的搭配用法也建議記住!
作者: NenaPolyglot (un NovioGuapo de Espana)   2018-09-17 10:16:00
sentence pattern: S + infinitive phrase(不定詞片語) + V to be + CThe infinitive phrase (不定詞片語) "to transform the vacant land on Spring Street into a community garden" is employed here to function as anadjective to modify the subject "The proposal". 作為形容詞功能修飾主詞 Therefore, (A) "to" transform is the correct answer.The rest of the sentence "will be voted" showcased the structure "modal auxiliary + verb to be+ C (有實質意義的語用助動詞 + be 動詞 + 補語)

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