※ 引述《a109102a (胖胖胖)》之銘言:
: The rich are getting richer and the corporations are making profits, with
: their executives ________.
: (A)rewarding richly
: (B)
: (C)richly rewarded
: (D)
: 答案為C 為什麼不能選A呢
: 監督者不是主動給報酬嗎?
with 後面子句省略being
executive n. 主管
reward 可VI, 慣用VT
VT 給予(某人)報酬獎賞
The company rewarded him (for his years of service) with a grand farewell part
被動《人 be rewarded (with something)》
Polluters will pay and conservers will be rewarded.
依題意,富者越富,”主管”是”被給予”豐厚報酬 rather than 給予他人豐厚報酬