vvvv0121 (KevinWu)
2020-04-28 22:51:19Secondly, in my opinion, book learning is always superior to e-learning. Subje
cts like reading are much more enjoyable for students when they have a beautif
ul printed document to study. Many will develop life time love of books throug
h their time at school and this will be valuable in later life. Also, book-bas
ed learning is much more comprehensive and original than that based on the int
ernet alone.
Thirdly, and very important, students will find out all about the internet, te
chnology and smartphones and so no at home. Games such as Pokemon can teach th
em about augmented reality, and this can be done in their spare time. My point
is that they will do this anyway and we do not need to allocate scarce school
time to it.