The young man felt something wrong so he broke into the room and sent her to
the hospital. He bore the blame and reproached himself very much. In the end,
he killed himself as well. Lately, however, his mother came back to life.
Well, this may be a tragic story but not a weird story. But cell phones are
everywhere in Taiwan. Most people in Taiwan are not rich but well-fixed. It’
s hard to imagine that mother and son fight with each other and commit for
buying a cell phone.
※ 引述《yvonneju (快樂童軍人)》之銘言:
: 標題: Re: [閒聊] 女童軍節快樂~
: 時間: Tue Jun 1 18:27:07 2010
: ※ 引述《GSCDelia ()》之銘言:
: : 熊熊想起今天是女童軍節ㄟ~
: : 待會下午要在系上報告研究進度~
: : 報完就可以放鬆一下下囉~
: : 耶~女童軍節快樂~
: 我都忘記今天是女童軍節了
: 這幾天帶學生去參加高級考驗營
: 然後本週還有送舊活動
: 研究所也要上課交作業
: 忙翻了!
: 每天都在期待放暑假~