
作者: gecer (gecer)   2014-06-01 18:25:02
To return to the question posed at the beginning of this paper, was there
already clear evidence by the late 1930s that Korea and Taiwan had benefited
from Japanese "developmental colonialism" to a greater extent than elsewhere
in Asia? In fact, it would appear from Table 14 that if a composite index of
human development were to be constructed for 1938 on the basis of per capita
GDP, demographic data and educational enrolments, the Philippines would have
come out on top. [10] Taiwan would certainly have been second; if we allow
for the probable understatement of per capita GDP in the Maddison data,
Taiwan may have been top of the rankings, or first equal with the
Philippines. Although both Korea and Malaya had higher per capita GDP, and
similar demographic data, they scored less well than both Taiwan and the
Philippines on educational enrolments. It is likely that French Indochina
would have come bottom followed by Burma and Indonesia. Although per capita
GDP was relatively low in Thailand, crude death rates were lower and
enrolments higher than in French Indochina, Burma, or Indonesia. [11]
作者: aitt (君子之交淡若水(M))   2014-06-09 15:00:00
作者: baboosh (大王椰)   2014-06-14 07:20:00
國民所得沒有亞洲第二 裡面都說輸韓國跟馬來亞 菲律賓他是把教育跟其他指標綜合評量 但還是輸菲律賓如果在深入研究所謂殖民建設成果 果實其實都是被日本人奪取不過殖民經濟的本質就是如此

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