CCY0927 (只是個暱稱罷了)
2023-10-03 17:55:44欲講菲律賓「咱儂話」个元音系統(有八个),講者共當做是一種相透濫个語言,有興趣
※ [本文轉錄自 Linguistics 看板 #1b6-Hfex ]
作者: CCY0927 (茹絮夢) 看板: Linguistics
標題: [演講] (Online) Vowel system or vowel systems? Sociophonetic
時間: Tue Oct 3 17:52:39 2023
Registration: https://forms.gle/CJBe4vXvWgnGQWZR9
Oct. 6 (Fri) 12:10pm (UTC+8)
Dr. Wilkinson Daniel Wong Gonzales (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
"Vowel system or vowel systems? Sociophonetic variation in the monophthongs of
Manila Lánnang-uè (Philippine Hybrid Hokkien)" (online talk)
Lánnang-uè, also known as Philippine (Hybrid) Hokkien, is a contact language
employed by the Lannang community. The variety used in metropolitan Manila (
henceforth, Lánnang-uè) primarily comprises elements from Hokkien, Tagalog/
Filipino, and English. In this presentation, I will delve into the intricacies
of Lánnang-uè, investigating it as a mixed language, and examine the
linguistic and social factors that contribute to the variation within its
monophthongs. (For a full description of the talk, please see here.)