※ [本文轉錄自 job 看板 #1MtUiWAb ]
作者: hydrogencl (荒費青春) 看板: job
標題: [德國] 北極降雪觀測研究
時間: Tue Mar 8 04:57:01 2016
1. 需求:碩士畢業或同等以上學歷,地科大氣氣象相關佳
2. 薪資:德國TV-L E13 100% (稅後約2370歐元,依年資稅級調整)
3. 工作內容詳見附件,主要是量測降雪物理,依本人不負責的學術經驗來說
4. 老闆系所在科隆(Koeln Sued,南科隆)
Understanding Arctic snowfall and related feedback
mechanisms using microwave remote sensing, reanalysis and regional
climate models
Snowfall is an integral part of the water cycle in the Arctic. However,
snowfall is extremely difficult to capture both in models and observations at
relevant regional spatial scales. In close cooperation with regional climate
modelers from the
AWI, the postdoc will exploit the longterm record of active and passive
wave satellite data sets. In order to interpret the observed brightness
(AMSU/MHS) and radar reflectivities (Cloudsat), synthetic observables will be
generated from
regional climate model (RCM) simulations. This will require consistent
treatment of
active and passive radiative transfer within the Passive and Active Microwave
Transfer Model (PAMTRA), including scattering by frozen hydrometeors and
with different surface types. Observations, reanalysis and a set of RCM
simulations will be used to investigate the links between sea-ice reduction
and cloud changes,
the impact on snowfall, and the snowfall-to-precipitation ratio.
The position is embedded into the Collaborative Research Center TR172 ArctiC
Amplification: Climate Relevant Atmospheric and SurfaCe Processes, and
Feedback Mechanisms (AC) 3 , which was recently approved by the German
Foundation for an initial four year period until 31 December 2019. In total,
three phases
are envisioned.
‧ strong interest in arctic climate, processes and willingness to travel to
the Arctic
‧ experience in microwave remote sensing of clouds and precipitation and/or
model evaluation
‧ Master-of-Science-equivalent university degree in meteorology, geophysics,
or physics
‧ excellent communication skills both in written and spoken English.
The position (100% TV-L E13) is awarded for up to 4 years. We offer a
productive and interdisciplinary working atmosphere, including several
possibilities for
career development.
For more information, see http://ac3-tr.de/ or contact Prof. Dr. Susanne