xsoho (solo caffe)
2022-05-16 13:56:22舊書贈送,築間大里店自取
3. 電機運行 熱交換計算和設計 / 黎賢鈦
8. Introduction to electrodynamics 3rd / David J. Griffiths
9. Modern Control engineering 4th / Katsuhiko Ogata
10. Kinematics and dynamics of machinery 2nd / Charles E. Wilson
13. Discrete-time signal processing 2nd / Alan V. Oppenheim
14. Physics vol.1 4th / Resnick
19. Machine vision algorithms and applications / Carsten Steger
(洽中) 馬達應用電路101選 / 鄭振東 譯
(洽中) 小型馬達技術 / 廖福奕 譯
(洽中) 實用電動機設計手冊 / 許溢适
(洽中) Electic Machinery Fundamentals 3rd / Stephen J. Chapman
(洽中) Design of machine elements 7th / M. F. Spotts
(洽中) Mechanical vibrations 4th / Singiresu S. Rao
(洽中) Complex variables and applications 7th / James Ward Brown
(洽中) Fundamentals of digital signal processing using Matlab / Robert J. Schi
(洽中) Heat transfer a basic approch (影本) M. Necati 畤isik
(洽中) Laser Material processing 2nd (影本) William M. Steen
(洽中) 精密鑄造學 2nd 林宗献
(洽中) 塑膠模具設計學 2nd 張永彥
(洽中) Computer vision a modern approach / Forsyth