快崩潰了我 QQ
※ 引述《IAMSOBAD (Jim)》之銘言:
: You may be finding it hard to free yourself from a dark mood, Taurus, even though you are surrounded by love and light. If the shades in your emotional room are drawn, then none of that light can come in, even though it is dazzling just outside your door. You may not even realize how much love there is out there to draw on because you haven't really looked. You are so caught up in what is wrong, that you have not stopped to look around and see what is right - and there is plenty that is right. Open your
: eyes. Let the light in.
: 牛牛們,我們現在很難把自己從很黑暗的心情解放出來,就算你其實是被愛環繞的。如果你的心情都是黑按所填滿的,外面的光是要怎麼進來呢?就算這些耀眼的光彩就在一步之遙。我們完全忽略了在我們身邊的彩虹因為我們沒有去仔細尋找過。我們太沉浸於自己做錯的事情,這樣也讓我們一直去看身邊有什麼是對的。其實你身邊有很多光采,睜開你的眼睛讓這些光采充滿你的生活吧!!
: QQ好中肯