Someone in your life ma y not offer you the best kind of relationship. Perhaps this person is very needy, or emotionally draining, or unreliable, or may possess some other undesirable traits. Still, you have gotten into the habit of spending time with this person, and it may be easier to just keep going. However, if you're experiencing negative emotions or conflicts or you're feeling depleted, it might be time to either change the pattern in some way, or to move on if you can't. Your well-being should be
your priority.
牛牛們我們現在跟生命中某個朋友的關係可能不是最好的關係。這個人可能很需要幫忙,或是情緒很不穩定,或是有其它惱人的特質,甚至是不可靠。但是你已經習慣跟這個人相處,而改變從來就不是我們的長處。 但是,如果你有感受到不好的情緒影響或是衝突讓你覺得很沮喪,是時候改變你們兩個的相處方式或是就放棄這段關係吧。你過得好最重要。
要先愛自己喔大家 :D