※ 引述《IAMSOBAD (Jim)》之銘言:
: It may be bothering you that you can't control an unfolding situation. You wish that you could because then you know that everything would turn out just fine. Since you can't control it though, Taurus, you need to resolve to yourself to be adaptable, flexible and easygoing. If you really want everything to turn out well, then your attitude will be the main key to making that happen. If you are rigid, you can almost guarantee a sense of failure; but if you are open, wonderful things can happen.
: 牛牛們我們有可能有件正在展開的情況讓我們無法掌握。我們希望我們能夠掌控全長因為這樣你就能知道所事情都會沒事的。但是既然我們沒辦法控制,我們就要把自己變得更容易適應,更有彈性,也更平易近人點。如果我們真的想要所有事情都有好的結果,我們的態度會很重要。如果我們固執己見,那大概保證會失敗。如果我們抱持著開放的心態,好事就會發生。