godmice (godmice)
2018-08-17 02:50:16你可能會猶豫分享一個新點子或是冒險,因為你害怕沒有人會支持你。或者更糟,你害怕有人會批評、試圖勸你放棄。
You may be hesitant to share a new idea or venture because you fear that no one will be supportive of it. Or, even worse, you may be afraid that someone will criticize you and try to talk you out of it. But if your mind is made up, Taurus,then have enough faith in yourself to express your pride and enthusiasm. Your fears may be unfounded, but even if you don't find the support you are hoping for, you are strong enough to move ahead without it.
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Taurus/M.1534445419.A.D4B.html
※ 編輯: godmice (, 08/17/2018 02:56:32