godmice (godmice)
2018-08-25 10:20:49你是否感覺到你抱持很久的夢想可能永遠不會實現了?即使你以一個有創意的方式幻想,現實是-如果有表現出來-可能和你幻想的很不一樣。
Do you feel that you have long held onto a fantasy that you probably realize will never come true? Even though you have fantasized about this in a very creative way, the reality - if this were to manifest - would probably be very different. Therefore, Taurus, you are better off letting this go. Once you do, you will find that your life will then have the capacity to welcome new possibilities into your life. Despite what you might think right now, these possibilities can far exceed the dreams of that old
fantasy. Let it go and direct your gaze into the future.
抱歉久等了 最近比較忙><