longsox (襪子)
2019-08-12 01:31:02Taurus horoscope for Aug 12 - Aug 18 2019
You don't enjoy stepping out of your comfort zone. After all, Taurus, it's pre
tty cushy in there. You know the limits. You like knowing what to expect. You
feel safe and secure. But the only way to grow, learn, and evolve is to go bey
ond those limits. This week, there may be a chance to do that. When an opportu
nity arrives, it may seem thrilling but also intimidating. But don't be inhibi
ted by the enormity of what is possible. Think of this in a grand way. Allow y
ourself to fantasize. Give yourself permission to get excited. This is what wi
ll drive you to be more courageous and to take a chance on success. Go for it.
A change on the home front is possible this week. Something you have gotten u
sed to may be morphing into another form. This may involve a routine or a chan
ge required to make your home life happier or more comfortable. Take your time
for planning and give yourself a chance to adapt. This is something that can
make your life richer and more enjoyable. Keep your eyes open with a legal or
contractual matter this week. Be sure to read and understand the finer points
and ask as many questions as you feel compelled to ask. This may be complicate
d, but you can figure this out by not being afraid of asking questions even if
some are a bit uncomfortable.