ycl5507 (ThatsJu)
2019-08-23 11:36:45當事情順利地進行,開心、樂觀、充滿希望的心情都充滿著你,好的事情就會持續發生,你積極有力的態度也容易維持。這樣的正能量挹注讓你可以持續連勝。
When things are working out and you are feeling upbeat, optimistic and hopeful that good things will continue to happen, your dynamic and positive emotions are easy to maintain. This infusion of good energy ensures and continues your winning streak. But when things are not working out and hope is scarce, it takes extra effort to stir up optimism and hope. You may now be in that latter place, Taurus. But if you work at it with dedication, you can turn the energy around so that it is in your favor. You do
have the power to ignite a surge of good fortune.
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