There are a number of things you will have to do to get a project you have in
mind off the ground. But this is a great week for making things happen, dear T
aurus. Use your warm personality to make good connections and seek out resourc
es. Getting started now is a great idea, for you can take an important and ver
y significant first step surrounded by good energy. If you have been consideri
ng an endeavor that would involve either a friend or a significant other as a
partner, share your ideas with them now. You may find that they will be just a
s enthusiastic as you are, and they may have some ideas of their own to share
with you. Just be sure to spell out what you both have in mind to avoid any mi
sunderstandings. A conflict that arises this week out of a financial matter wi
ll need to be dealt with in a very careful way. Speaking up too soon could res
ult in getting upset over information that has some mistaken elements to it. B
e sure to go over everything thoroughly before digging into this. If you come
to the discussion with the correct information and understanding, you will be
far more credible and much more likely to resolve this amicably.