heyyoha (帥氣風神)
2023-07-07 00:02:09親愛的金牛座,由於月亮在水瓶座,你今天的思緒會非常活躍,並且你能夠利用這種能量
Dear Taurus, your mental production will be high today, thanks to the Moon in
Aquarius, and you will be able to use it to prepare for the future. Astroyogi
astrologers say that if you focus on your goals, everything will proceed as pl
anned. These are the occasions when you must make the most of your mental abil
ity. There's a good chance you'll buy anything, whether it's a car or a house.
With a day well spent, you will feel rejuvenated and calm at the end of the d
ay. The hours between 1:00 pm and 2:30 pm are auspicious for you. The color ye
llow will prove lucky for you today.