[新聞] 三星晶圓廠 致命氣體外洩

作者: jakevin (真。假凱文)   2013-01-28 23:25:06
A maintenance contractor called out to fix a hydrofluoric acid leak at a
Samsung plant has died in hospital, according to Korean media.
Four others were injured by the lethal gas but have reportedly been discharged.
The factory in question is located within South Korea, which isn't known for
the sort of lax safety standards that plague workers in China, but AsiaE
reports that the accident will nevertheless be investigated to find out if any
laws were breached in the way the leak was handled, and if the killed
contractor was wearing the right protective gear.
For the sake of context, it's worth remembering that even state-of-the-art
installations can be prone to accidents
作者: wade0222 (MIAMI HEAT!!!)   2013-01-28 23:29:00
土鬼 土匋 啊!!!
作者: iannnn (ㄚ幹)   2013-01-28 23:32:00
HF 果然很恐怖
作者: zenwoon (做大夢.醒大叫)   2013-01-28 23:41:00
作者: tenshoufly (tenshou)   2013-01-28 23:45:00
作者: GIDL (機豆)   2013-01-28 23:50:00
原來 HF (氫氟酸) 是氣體啊? ....
作者: hsh233231 (弘)   2013-01-28 23:51:00
作者: eterbless (守護之翼)   2013-01-29 01:08:00
HF溢出來 不少人要R.I.P.了....
作者: gary73183 (專業中國集運)   2013-01-29 01:14:00
作者: ZGMFX42S (向日葵)   2013-01-29 13:33:00
HF跟HCl原本就是氣體 通到水中才是水溶液
作者: furuuchi (宅心邪王)   2013-01-29 20:24:00
胡說八道, 去看一看MSDS行不行啊?

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