※ 引述《ShortestPath (Dijkstra)》之銘言:
: 政府的錢是由稅收來, 稅收實際上就是從所有資本家上獲得
政府跟資本家有勾結嗎? 絕對是有。為什麼富者越富,貧者越貧?
政府的爛機制,使得大股東可以運用各種名目節稅 EX.拉高股票,在除息前賣掉。
富者節稅,窮人退稅 => 稅收落在中產階級 國家稅收常常不夠,因為大魚都跑掉
Finance Minister Chang Sheng-He, recently executes a series of surcharged "
fees” with ridiculous logical fallacy. These fees include the stock income
tax, the national health insurance premium, the ordinary insurance premium of
labor insurance. Originally Chang intends to harvest more government revenue
under the name of justice and fairness, yet the result only turns worse. The
reason behind this scene can be explained.
The progressive tax rate in Taiwan is 40%, yet the exemption and deduction
rate is very low, plus a lot of life expenses cannot claim deduction.
Corporate income tax and individual income tax are declared together. While
the government enforces low corporate income tax, the tax burden comes to
individual income tax. In the meantime, majority shareholders can use all
kinds of ways to save tax, including pump and dump scheme before cash
dividend date. This makes the majority shareholders gain a lot of profits,
but pays little tax. Apparently, Chang’s designed mechanism is far from