xiemark (aisinjuro)
2015-05-22 15:30:57強者我學長在美國的分析:
If you kids want to major in Computer Science in US Universities, how
much computer knowledge in high school will be needed. Here is my
humble suggestions:
(1) Basic Office tools: Word, Excel, Powepoint (Grade 3-6)
(or equivalent)
(2) Digital Graphics and Digital Image Design (Grade 6-12)
Inkscape (Adobe Illustrator equivalent but free open source)
Adobe Photoshop (For digital photography and digital image
(3) Web Design (grade 6-10)
CSS3 (After digital Graphics)
JavaScript (Basic, after Algebra 1)
(4) Programming Language and Introduction to Computer Science:
Python Language (Grade 8-12, after algebra 1)
(First Programming language)
Introduction to Computer Technology, Python Language Rules,
Object-oriented Programming
Advanced JavaScript (After Algebra 1, Maybe After Python 1)
GUI, DOM, HTTP (network programming)
Java Langauge (AP Computer Science A, Grade 11 suggested,
after python 1, after Algebra 2)
Introduction to Computer Science, Java Language,
Object-Oriented Programming, Basic Algorithm (Searching,
Sorting, Recursion)
Advanced Java (AP Computer Science AB, Grade 12 Suggested,
after python 1, Java 1, after algebra 3, some Discrete
Math understanding)
GUI, Data Structures, and Algorithm Analysis
(5) AP Computer Science A preparation (May, Junior year suggested)
(6) SAT II Math 2, and at least 1 SAT II in Science
Right now, admission to good Computer Science Department is very very
hard. Here is my humble suggestions for how to get your kid prepared
early enough in the K-12 school years.
現在美國的Computer Science 當紅. 有人剛大學畢業, 年薪十三萬. 在灣區, 只
要男生, 都想Major in Computer Science. GPA 4.0/SAT 2370 可能都會被USC,
UCLAReject. 中國有一百萬大軍在美國念大學