AdHocLZM (寫履歷是件麻煩事)
2015-11-11 22:34:34北京Kindle開缺,這次一共開了5個名額。詳情參考如下:
亞馬遜Kindle Device北京研發中心成立於2014年, 旨在利用亞洲優秀人才
和地域優勢, 與亞馬遜矽谷, 西雅圖研發中心一起為亞馬遜全球市場開發高質量
的用戶喜愛的終端產品及應用, 包括Fire Tablet, Fire TV, Kindle, Echo等。
從2015年起,北京研發中心將負責亞馬遜全球所有Fire Tablet系列產品的開發,
同時參與亞馬遜Fire TV, Echo及其它系列最新產品的研發。
Senior BSP SW Development Engineer
As a Senior BSP Software Development Engineer, you will take part in the featu
re feasibility study, implementation and delivery for Android-based devices. Y
ou will work closely with the hardware and QA teams, as well as partners in ot
her Amazon global centers to take the product from concept to customer release
while ensuring the highest level of quality for your deliverables. You must h
ave in-depth expertise working with the Linux kernel and drivers and Android p
latform. You will do:
‧ Take full ownership of the domain you are responsible. Establish process
, tools and quality matrix for the domain to ensure the function, quality, per
formance, stability of the domain. Continuously improve process, productivity
and quality of your domain;
‧ Drive features and technical issues cross team boundaries and deliver re
‧ Involve in early phase requirement feasibility study, prototyping, evalu
ation and SW development work breakdown and effort estimation;
‧ Participate in new product HW design review and component selection, pro
vide feedbacks to HW design teams to ensure proper functions, performance and
stability of the product;
‧ Support HW prototype bring-up, analyze and fix any issue during bringup;
‧ Develop SOC peripheral component driver and HAL layer SW with good quali
ty and architecture;
‧ Work with SOC and component vendors to ensure they deliver high quality
code and integrate vendor code drops with Amazon FireOS;
‧ Occasional travel to international and domestic locations for product me
etings, joint design reviews and development, and hot issue investigations etc
‧ Participate in production activities involving security reviews and fact
ory build support
‧ Be highly effective and thrive in a dynamic environment with multiple, c
hanging priorities
Basic Qualifications
‧ 6+ years of experience of development including 4+ years of Linux kernel
/ drivers development;
‧ Master degree in CS / EE
‧ Fluent English communications
‧ Very strong C/C++ coding and debugging skills;
‧ Strong knowledge in Linux kernel, BSP, drivers development;
‧ Proficient in complex system debugging in low level, embedded platforms
‧ Deep knowledge in one or more specific Linux kernel domains such as, ker
nel, scheduling, boot loader, DDR, Linux file system, eMMC/SD, display/graphic
s system, audio, security, thermal, power management, battery charging, etc
Preferred Qualifications
‧ Strong Android framework experience is preferred
‧ Good knowledge of CPU architecture, multi-core CPU programming;
‧ JTAG debugging experiences;
‧ Strong Android system performance analysis and improvement skills;
‧ Strong ownership, self-driven, energetic and motivated;
‧ Quick learner and open to new technologies;
‧ Strong communication and interpersonal skills;
‧ Excellent presentation and documentation skills;
薪水:視經歷而定職級,職級分為level 5及level 6。level 5薪資為40w RMB以上。
1. 北京空氣污染
2. 冬天超冷+靜電
3. 人超多 易塞車