Re: [請益] 古歌台灣薪水是不是很低

作者: billandcs (CS神棍)   2018-04-16 14:50:02
印象中Google Staff SWE 以上就是Global pay了,不論到哪邊都一樣的薪水.
Quora也有人分享Google Hire Committee怎麼判定你的職等.
Google職等分佈,不過又有人說Jeff Dean不算T11,他的職等是out of scope.
Anyway, 爬到T6以上就不用擔心了,大家可以回家啦~!!!
L1: really really basic level, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone at this level.
L2: entry level. This level only exists in non-Tech.
For the rest, I’ll focus on the Tech org (since this is what the original
question was asking) and use the Tech level.
T3: Tech’s entry level, also known as Software Engineer II.
Yeah don’t be surprised why SWE II is T3 - just historic reason I guess, and
it’s too hard to fix.
Fresh BS / MS without any industry experience is normally hired at T3.
T4: Also known as Software Engineer III
When T3 become independent, and get good projects done, they are promoted to
Fresh PhD without any industry experience is normally hired at T4.
T5, also known as Senior Software Engineer.
When T4 demonstrates leadership to lead a small team, and ability to design
complex system, they are promoted to T5.
T6, also known as Staff Software Engineer.
When T5 demonstrates leadership to lead a large team, and ability to design
really complex system, they are promoted to T6.
T7, also known as Senior Staff Software Engineer.
When T6 demonstrates even strong leadership to lead one really large team, or
multiple large teams, and ability to design significant system, they are
promoted to T7.
T8, also known as Principal Software Engineer.
This is Director level of scope, but requires technical depth.
T9, also known as Distinguished Software Engineer.
This is Senior Director level of scope, but requires technical depth.
T10, also known as Google Fellow.
This is VP level of scope.
T11, also known as Google Senior Fellow.
This is SVP level of scope.
This is Jeff Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat level.
Btw, there’s a common rumor that Jeff Dean is the only Google Senior Fellow.
That’s not true, Jeff and Sanjay were always the same level for many years.
They were promoted to Google Fellow together, and they were promoted to
Google Senior Fellow together. It just happens that Jeff is a lot more
externally known, and Sanjay rarely shows publicly. They both get the same
level of respect from the rest of the company.
作者: bluebluelan (新陰流大目錄免許皆傳)   2018-04-16 15:27:00
作者: Csir (張胖胖)   2018-04-16 15:41:00
作者: steve1012 (steve)   2018-04-16 15:42:00
sanjay也是很屌 扯
作者: sigma0307 (surf)   2018-04-16 16:09:00
台幣3M也不會很低吧 在台灣蠻夠用的 工時又不長 去MTK工時就沒那麼自由了
作者: benting (ben)   2018-04-16 16:13:00
作者: alden (這真是太危險啦)   2018-04-16 16:16:00
T6以上global pay 是那來的八卦 求連結
作者: moboo (我是陳米布)   2018-04-16 16:22:00
我覺得你誤會了 像是紐約西雅圖也能拿灣區薪水的意思很多人在Google五年七年T3的 T3->T4很多人就很難升上去了對很多部門來說T6已經是senior manager了除非你是頂尖大學博士,搞不好要幹十幾年...你的建議很像"在Google幹到資深經理就能退休了"當然啊但是大部分人都是萬年IC啊
作者: steve1012 (steve)   2018-04-16 18:09:00
作者: moboo (我是陳米布)   2018-04-16 18:18:00
作者: billandcs (CS神棍)   2018-04-16 21:21:00
其實大家也大概知道答案了,要成為T6, hire as one最快……
作者: fairyofmoon (工作 是 為了 不工作)   2018-04-16 21:23:00
台灣有87%的headcount 都T3/T4啊
作者: billandcs (CS神棍)   2018-04-16 21:58:00
不然一般公司經理佔了90%嗎? 除了直銷外……
作者: ftwd   2018-04-17 15:44:00
global pay誰還要待灣區給高房價租荼毒?
作者: sysc (和平時多準備)   2018-04-17 19:28:00
google 不是在mountain view 怎麼要住灣區?san jones 或是更南不是都能住 2000USD /month照現在我覺得amazon 應該是會慢慢贏Google...
作者: pttccbbs (中華電信)   2018-04-17 20:38:00
T3 升 T4 本來就很難 你的對手都是奧運級的 你要怎麼玩sycs 你想太多了 你看看A的本益比 基本上 呵呵
作者: billandcs (CS神棍)   2018-04-17 21:03:00
作者: ruthertw (小葉老大)   2018-04-18 10:15:00
作者: sysc (和平時多準備)   2018-04-18 18:22:00
pttccbbs 我從700就握有amazon, G也是700持有 但真的有差科技從來不看本益比 到現在我G社全丟了 A 還有一半hire的方式直接影響可能性,G 走菁英, A是有用全hire我認為G的發展會慢慢被A 影響吃掉10%左右 所以會變差

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