[徵才] 芬蘭商Unigraf招USB Engineer

作者: blackpig031 (blackpig)   2021-05-04 22:44:11
【公司名稱】Unigraf OY
Unigraf’s expertise lies within a deep understanding of the fundamental technologies of DisplayPort, USB-C and HDMI interfaces. Unigraf is a worldwide leader in DisplayPort compliance test tools. This has allowed Unigraf to master the DisplayPort Alternate Mode within the USB-C interface. For HDMI interface Unigraf provides a wide range of R&D debug and production line test tools. Across the range, Unigraf’s test tools can be used in R&D development, compliance testing and production line testing –
regardless of the interface.
USB Architect Engineer
Key Responsibilities:
‧ USB-C/USB4 products architecture definition with cross function team (FPGA/FW/PM)
‧ System Hardware design with HW and FPGA engineers for USB-C/USB4 related
‧ USB-C/USB4 Compliance Test Suite development with SW team
‧ USB system and protocol level debugging
‧ Work closely with Key customers for joint R&D projects to develop new technology
‧ Support product development plans (schedule, meeting design inputs, validation)
Skills and experience required:
‧ FW background preference
‧ More than 5 years of experience in USB area
‧ Strong knowledge in USB protocol
‧ Familiar with USB-IF USB Compliance Test Suite and logic and USB protocol analyzer
‧ Experience in computing products i.e., Laptop, Docking, and Monitor USB development
‧ Familiar with USB Ecosystem such as components and applications
‧ Familiar with USB4 Controller and architecture will be a massive plus
‧ Strong ability and motivation to work individually as part of virtual teams
‧ Excellent collaborative skills and great team player
‧ Good communication skills in English
薪資: 年薪 150萬起(視經驗而定,能力多少就談多高)
福利: 額外Allowance (Meal, Transportation, Phone......)
特休: 20天
若對職位有興趣請將英文履歷寄至[email protected],若對職缺有其他問題請站內信,我會在能力範圍內盡量回答。
此職位基本上會有約莫80%的時間都是使用英文。另外因為有三個site的關係remote work會很頻繁。總公司位於芬蘭(快樂國度?)的因素公司步調會相對較慢且非常講究人權。此外芬蘭很注重員工的權益所以基本上Work Load並不會太重因為都是很確切的以40小時一周的基準來assign工作。
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樓上 這就是真外商的一個特色 我不會說是缺點 因為其他你時區不同的時候 你就很自由 如文中所說
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我看我朋友之前在hp 早上十點開會 晚上十點也開會 看起來頗累 我是都早上的八點跟米國那邊所以到沒這種困擾
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不考慮徵個AESA/Radar Sr. Antenna Eng嗎(x
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