Re: [請益] TSMC Supply Chain Logistics Management

作者: iqsa021s (翔)   2022-01-25 11:23:17
※ 引述《imperator999 (塘咧)》之銘言:
: 各位好
: 在104和GG官網上看到這個職缺
: 但好像找不太到近幾年的資料
: 所以想請問版上有沒有前輩比較懂這職位在幹嘛的
: 附上104的連結:
: Job Description
: Your main responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
: 1. Lead/coordinate cross functional to achieve supply chain excellence.
: 2. Initiate and implement continuous logistics and warehouse process
: improvement project/task.
: 3. Study and introduce leading-edge logistics/warehouse automation, including
: H/W & S/W(e.g. ASRS, AGV, Robot, B2B data flow, RPA…)
: Please refer to TSMC CSR:
: 4. Lead teammates and collaborate with suppliers to achieve supply chain
: excellence in materials preparation.
: Education & Skills
: 1. BS/MA of Supply Chain, Logistics & Transportation Management, Statistics,
: IE and related fields.
: 2. Fluent in spoken and written languages skills for both Chinese and English.
: 3. Strong negotiation skills and ability to lead cross functional projects.
: 4. Experience in AMHS/ASRS equipment design or mechanical/electrical
: integration is a plus
: 5. Familiarity with development of C#, C/C++ or JAVA Programming, and Python,
: SQL database programming is a plus.
: 希望各位大大指點,謝謝
嗨嗨版主 請問最後你有去面試這個職缺嗎,如果有面試的話,是否可瞭解一下面試過程及主管跟你說的工作實際內容

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