[新聞] Djokovic 正式宣布 Stepanek 為他的新教練

作者: deehsu (加州‧陽光)   2017-12-01 04:59:22
* News From : https://tinyurl.com/y7d83gss (Tennis World USA)
Novak Djokovic announces Stepanek is his new coach in a funny video!
30 Nov 2017 by Gatto Luigi
Novak Djokovic announced Radek Stepanek is his new coach through a very funny
LIVE video on Instagram. The 12-time Grand Slam champion called the former
Czech tennis player through the famous social network and pretended Stepanek
was still in activity.
The 39-year-old asked Djokovic which are his plans for next season. Novak
replied: 'You are kind one of my rivals so I can't reveal you any secret...'
Stepanek explains he retired because of his back issues and he asks: 'Have
you something for me or not?' 'I am actually looking for another coach...
I don't know what you have in mind but if you have nothing to do we can give
a shot!', Djokovic replied. And Stepanek agrees: 'I have been resting quite a
lot in the last few weeks and we can give a shot!' 'This is fantastic!' Novak
He opens the door and finds Stepanek there: 'We are excited for the new
season and that was the way we wanted to break up you', Djokovic told his
fans. He will start his new season in Doha. Stepanek will help him in
off-time competition and so during practice sessions in Monte Carlo, and in
all the ATP Tour events.
Andre Agassi will follow Djokovic mainly in the Grand Slams.
平常賽事主要由剛從球員退休的 Stepanek 擔任教練;
忙碌的 Agassi 大滿貫賽事則會一塊擔任教練。
作者: rainww25   2017-12-01 06:05:00
蛤 這是玩那招?
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https://tinyurl.com/ya4s2n8s (國外網友好多也一頭霧水?
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練習場外全攻略? Jelena表示.........
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居然是駙馬[email protected]@
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駙馬把妹有幾把刷子 阿囧多學著一點(咦
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駙馬 很妙不過阿格西還在呀
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WTF? 黑人問號?
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???想加強網前嗎 問題是你現在應該先把底線找回來
作者: AlohaVC   2017-12-01 18:19:00
六比七很適合當教練呀 球商高 且單反對費爸也有幫助駙馬也算智慧技巧型選手 只是球員時期讓人印象最深刻的是別的地方不知到Wawrinka又會找誰
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殺毀 看前面一行還以為是搞笑梗 竟然是真的XD
作者: Joybena (皮陀露娜)   2017-12-01 21:14:00
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覺得蠻有趣的 希望Djo明年能大復活!!
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作者: ruro (窗外有藍天)   2017-12-02 00:15:00
應該是希望至少打到37 要縮短底線僵持時間 如何大膽衝網前駙馬的發球不強但是還趕往前衝 必有過人之處
作者: clyukimo (我是L)   2017-12-03 04:03:00
作者: AlohaVC   2017-12-03 17:00:00
費爸路線 開始省力延長生涯 駙馬生涯也滿昶的

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