migi33 (干物)
2019-08-11 21:17:45消息來源是小安迪FB: https://www.facebook.com/andymurrayofficial/
宣佈參加9/23~29的ATP250系列首屆珠海網球冠軍賽(Zhuhai Championships):
As I look to play more singles events later in the year, I’m happy to
announce I’ll be playing at the inaugural Zhuhai Championships in the week
of Sept 23.
I have always enjoyed playing in China and Zhuhai is meant to be a great
city. It's close to Macau and Hong Kong, with an impressive stadium and I
can't wait to experience it.
Some more good news for my Chinese fans... I’m also going to play Beijing
the week after Zhuhai.
I’ve got some great memories from playing in Beijing (especially the one
below!), it’s a really interesting city, and I’m looking forward to heading
back there again!
很希望看到他重返榮耀,但又不希望他太勉強自己的身體~~GOOD LUCK!!ANDY!!