[情報] 納豆將缺席印第安泉與邁阿密大師賽

作者: TaiwanBeijin (台灣北京)   2023-03-01 04:50:34
It’s been a while since I don’t communicate with you.
Took my time off, started rehab, gym and physiotherapy as instructed by the doct
Getting ready to come back the in the best conditions.
I am sad that I won’t be able to compete at Indian Wells nor Miami.
Very sad not to be there. I’ll miss all my US fans but I hope to see them later
this year during the summer swing.
如題 納豆退出美國的大師賽
今年恢復傷勢 應該是專心先拼法網了
作者: luckysmallsu (B.J.T)   2023-03-01 13:00:00
作者: twtpcsilence (wooddeer)   2023-03-01 15:10:00
作者: alex2426chen   2023-03-02 00:40:00
今年就真的生涯關鍵年了 回不去的機會不低
作者: plokmijnuhby (DD)   2023-03-02 12:28:00
他們這個年紀都沒有什麼不可能的 費19可以只差一個賽末點 20膝傷後就完全回不來了 囧豆當然也是一樣

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