[ VT ] Virtua Tennis 4: Move vs. Kinect

作者: cmj (スクルド,中野梓は俺の嫁)   2011-02-15 20:58:14
Virtua Tennis 4: Move vs. Kinect
This time, SEGA wants you off the couch and on your feet.
February 8, 2011
The Virtua Tennis series has been around for more than ten years. When a
franchise gets that old, it's hard to keep things fresh. But SEGA set out to
evaluate everything about the Virtua Tennis experience and refine it. One
step the developers took was incorporating motion controls into the latest
title in the series: Virtua Tennis 4.
Virtua Tennis系列發售至今已經超過十年。隨著系列年齡增長,會越難保持著新鮮感,
但是SEGA持續改進之。現在SEGA將體感操作融入最新作:Virtua Tennis 4。
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to play it for myself and try the
PlayStation Move and Kinect versions. I was told by a SEGA representative
that the Kinect version isn't as far along in its development as the Move
version, but playing both side-by-side was helpful in illuminating the
differences not only in the hardware itself but how that hardware is being
used in the games.
昨天,我有機會嘗試到PlayStation Move和Kinect兩個版本。我被SEGA的銷售代表告知
Virtua Tennis 4, running on Xbox 360.
Virtua Tennis 4在XBOX 360上的畫面。
The implementation of motion control in Virtua Tennis 4 is similar to how Wii
Sports handled tennis back in 2006. The movement of the character is
generally automatic, though stepping forward will cause the character to rush
the net. This feature can be found in both versions. Most of the time,
however, players need only worry about hitting the ball when it approaches.
This is done by swinging the Move controller like a tennis racket on the PS3,
and swinging your arm in an arc when playing on the 360.
Virtua Tennis 4裡體感控制的表現和2006年的Wii Sports類似。角色一般是自動移動
The camera work here is an interesting blend of angles. When the ball is in
your opponent's side of the court, the camera hovers over your character's
shoulder in a tight third-person perspective. As soon as the ball approaches,
the camera quickly enters the character to give you a first-person view of
the action. The intention is to give you a better grasp of the ball's
location so you can time your swing. This is a smart design choice in theory,
but I found it to be disorienting at first. It was also surprisingly
difficult to gauge the perfect time to swing, as there was a slight delay
between swinging the Move controller and swinging the in-game racket.
Swinging your arm in the Kinect version was also delayed.
I appreciate the technology Kinect employs, but in this situation it seems
that the PlayStation Move version of Virtua Tennis 4 has the advantage. Not
only are you holding a physical controller during play which roughly emulates
holding a racket, but the Move controller will supposedly measure the twist
and angle of your swing. This is not possible on the Kinect version. It's
disappointing, but the Kinect hardware just can't track minute body motions
like wrist rotation.
我很感謝Kinect的開發小組帶來的科技,但是在Virtua Tennis 4裡,PlayStation Move
I enjoyed playing Virtua Tennis 4 with Move, though having less control of
the character on-screen removes a great deal of the strategy involved in
tennis. Yes, you can rush the net at an opportune time, but having no control
over the side-to-side movement of the player is stifling. This is an issue
with both versions.
我很享受用Move控制器遊玩Virtua Tennis 4,儘管少了部分對角色的操作導致失去大量
Virtua Tennis 4, running on PS3.
Virtua Tennis 4在PS3上的畫面。
Playing with Kinect is similar to playing with the Move, though it feels
unnatural to swing your bare hands and strike a virtual ball with a virtual
racket. You also have less control over your swing, as Kinect can't track any
twists in your hand during the motion.
Playing two versions of Virtua Tennis 4 with motion support reminded me how
much I love traditional control schemes. When I finally switched from a Move
controller to a DualShock, I immediately felt more comfortable with the
experience. Having full control of your character's movement is also more
challenging and much more liberating. While motion controls might be useful
for introducing a non-gamer to the world of Virtua Tennis, I suspect most
veterans of the series will stick with tradition.
遊玩兩種支援體感控制的Virtua Tennis 4版本,讓我想起我是多麼愛傳統控制的系統。
Virtua Tennis的世界,我猜測大部分此系列作的老手還是會使用傳統操作。
Virtua Tennis 4 is scheduled to launch this April for the PS3, 360, and the
Nintendo Wii.
Virtua Tennis 4計畫於今年四月發售PS3、360以及Wii版本。

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