thenone (地方的公司需要新肝)
2021-07-16 17:14:16挪威商悅瞻軟體股份有限公司台灣分公司 (VEWD Software)
統一編號: 24808980
公司地址: 新北市新莊區中原路556號15樓 (三級警戒期間盡量WFH)
職缺: Software Tester
(QA engineer品保工程師, Delivery Team)
Technical – software testing:
‧ Performing manual tests (acceptance criteria, functional, regression,
sanity, exploratory etc) with TV and set-top-box prototypes
‧ Performing 1st level analysis of bugs and issues raised by the client as
well as found internally (reproduce, compare to existing/known bugs/problems,
analyze the circumstances/testing conditions, provide any needed additional
information, reassign to the appropriate team, etc.)
‧ Performing an initial assessment of every new device and its capabilities
‧ Maintaining test statistics and reports, mapping failed tests to tickets
in the bug tracking system
‧ Handling our customers' TV and set-top-box device prototypes (frequent
unpacking, labeling, tracking, verifying installation/flashing instructions,
maintaining wiki page, upgrading firmware)
Technical – quality assurance:
‧ Managing releases (giving feedback if and when to release a new software
pack, generating builds, maintaining build history and changelogs, doing
sanity checks)
‧ Maintaining a global view of the project's quality level: keep the list of
and stay up to date with the key issues and their status
‧ Proactively looking for and implement automation in the testing area
‧ Creating new tests cases and modifying existing ones
‧ Analyzing and understanding quality specifications released by TV
certification bodies
‧ Preparing own test suites based on analyzed specifications (make sure all
the key features are properly covered with corresponding test scenarios)
Customer support:
‧ Being in direct contact with customers and handling important information
‧ Traveling for client workshops (around 1-5 times a year, up to 5 days each)
‧ 2 years of testing experience
‧ Excellent communication skills
‧ English and Mandarin – good working knowledge, both written and spoken
‧ Analytical skills
‧ Proactivity – we want you to be engaged
‧ Proficiency working with Linux or Android
‧ Basic, operational knowledge of how to create/handle JIRA tickets
‧ Basic knowledge of A/V codec, DRM, streaming services
‧ Basic programming skills, ideally Python or Bash or JavaScript or Shell
‧ Ability to dive in and understand the purpose of an automated test case
(sometimes its code), its background and conditions
‧ Patience for doing manual tests, maintaining test reports, frequent
cooperation with clients' engineers from different cultures
‧ Building professional relationships and cooperate closely with our clients
(top global players in TV entertainment industry) as well as multiple internal
Nice to have:
‧ Basic knowledge of HbbTV and Jenkins would put you ahead of other
‧ Current situation-dependent: the ability to work from home if needed
員工是否需自備工具? (是/否) : 否
薪資 (月薪): NT$75,000~91,000
薪資 (保證最低年薪,必填項目): 12個月
工時: 10:00 - 18:00 (8-19間彈性八小時)
每周工作: 8 x 5 = 40
加班費制度: 若加班比照勞基法
‧ 純種軟體設計公司
‧ 國際化職場,總部在挪威
‧ 自由彈性的工作文化
‧ 扁平的組織階級,和諧的職場氣氛
‧ 每年調薪
‧ 彈性上下班時間,少加班
‧ 入職首年即有特休15天
‧ 補班日可在家上班
‧ 優於勞基法的病假、陪產假、孩童照顧假
‧ 高額健康檢查
‧ 高額團體保險
‧ 每週五下午茶
‧ 每週新鮮水果盤
‧ 免費咖啡點心
‧ 停車位或停車補助
‧ 可升降辦公桌
‧ 紓壓娛樂設備,Nintendo Switch 等
‧ 位於頂級商辦,全新裝潢挑高寬敞辦公室
‧ 附設健身房、瑜珈室、淋浴間、咖啡廳
挪威商悦瞻軟體(Vewd AS)是世界最大的電視和機上盒OTT軟體獨立供應商,分公司遍及
的HTML5 軟體開發套件,每年被用於超過三億個電視和機上盒中。可用於Android TV、
影音內容的市場日益增長,我們幫助Sony, Samsung, Philips和Vestel等公司在其中取得
公司與職缺詳情、福利與環境介紹 https://tinyurl.com/y6pm9hlw
快速認識我們 https://kad.events.104.com.tw/200731_Vewd_rwd/index.html
請直接將「英文」履歷投至 https://tinyurl.com/u5y3wupk
更多詳情請上官網 http://www.vewd.com