mingonly (想要告訴你!)
2021-09-26 15:54:47KI認同疫苗將實行撒旦計畫的陰謀論
Saturday night, Rolling Stone published a comprehensive look at the NBA’s v
accination issue. Many players are reportedly refusing to get vaccinated. Th
e reasoning behind the choices is problematic, to say the least.
週六晚上,滾石雜誌發表了一篇關於NBA疫苗問題的全面報導。 據報導,許多球員拒絕
接種疫苗。 退一步說,這些選擇背後的理由是有問題的。
Irving, who serves as a vice president on the executive committee of the pla
yers’ union, recently started following andlikingInstagram posts from a c
onspiracy theorist whoclaimsthat “secret societies” are implanting vacci
nes in a plot to connect Black people to a master computer for “a plan of S
了一些疫苗陰謀論者,這些陰謀論人士聲稱, 有秘密組織在利用疫苗把黑人(Black p
eople)連上一台超級電腦以達成撒旦計畫(a plan of Satan)。
This Moderna microchip misinformation campaign has spread across multiple NB
A locker rooms and group chats, according to several of the dozen-plus curre
nt players, Hall-of-Famers, league executives, arena workers and virologists
interviewed for this story over the past week.
Irving had an interesting tweet earlier this month. He claimed it wasn’t va
ccine related. However, that’s tough to buy now.
Irving本月早些時候發了一條有趣的推文。 他聲稱這與疫苗無關然而,現在很難讓人信
Andrew Wiggins is reportedly unvaccinated and Jonathan Isaac is reportedly a
nti-vaccine, as well.
據報導,Andrew Wiggins沒有接種疫苗,Jonathan Isaac也反對接種疫苗。