
作者: mingonly (想要告訴你!)   2021-10-18 21:50:23
Jordan Poole was asked what his expectations are for himself this season:
“I think everybody in the locker room wants to win a championship first and
以下是記者對勇士的看法 有興趣再看看
We know the extenuating circumstances surrounding why a dynastic team that r
eached five straight NBA Finals and won three of them fell into the lottery.
Kevin Durantleft in free agency.Klay Thompsontore his left ACL, and then
his right Achilles' tendon, respectively costing him the entirety of the 20
19-20 and 2020-21 campaigns.Draymond Greenaged north of 30 years old. Thei
r depth either retired or was extricated.
透區內。 在他們身上究竟發生了什麼Kevin Durant離隊,Klay Thompson兩度重傷,多
When healthy,Stephen Curryremains a paradigm-shifting superstar. He led th
e league in scoring last season on absurd efficiency, carrying an inexperien
ced roster to the play-in tournament, where even his 76 points over two game
s were not enough to secure a Western Conference playoff seed. The onus on C
urry is astronomical, and he is capable of keeping Golden State competitive
in any game by himself.
非凡的效率領先聯盟得分榜,帶領一支經驗不足的球隊殺入到附加賽的比賽之中。 不過
,兩場比賽合計76分的表現並不足以幫助那支勇士進入季後賽。 Curry有能力能夠幫助
Curry, Thompson and Green formed the core of a team that rolled to the 2015
title and won a record 73 regular-season games before blowing a 3-1 lead to
LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers in the 2016 Finals. That loss preci
pitated Durant's arrival and a talent pool that was too big to fail for two
straight years. To believe the Warriors are still contenders is to ignore th
at the legs they stood on six years ago are weaker.
陣容到達巔峰。 不過和六年前相比,勇士的大腿們卻不再如以往那般強壯。
Thompson has not played since Game 6 of the 2019 Finals. He suffered two of
the most serious injuries an athlete can face, including one that has preven
ted most everyone not named Durant from fully recovering. At the same time,
he has eclipsed his 30th birthday. Nobody believes those injuries will keep
Thompson from restoring his status as one of the greatest shooters ever to l
ive, but there should be serious skepticism about his ability to explode on
both ends and regain his stature as the team's best perimeter defender.
的最殘酷的兩種傷病。 在這兩年間,KT也靜悄悄地度過了自己30歲的生日。 KD傷後的
狀態,讓大家對於KT復出後的狀態都持有樂觀的希望。 但不可否認的是,跟腱和十字韌
Two transcendent shooters can lay the foundation of a serious contender, esp
ecially when they are joined by an All-Defensive triple-double threat whose
versatility unlocks theDeath Lineupdu jour. Except, Green is no longer tha
t guy. Last season marked his slowest average speed since the league started
tracking that data in 2013. None of this is to say Green is not a useful pl
ayer. He finished third in Defensive Player of the Year voting for the leagu
e's third-ranked unit last season.
。 而如果你的陣容裡還有一位擁有DPOY水準的防守能力,且巔峰時期兼備投射和進攻創
造力的小球陣容五號位標杆時,那麼球隊足以在NBA裡打造王朝。 不過到新賽季,Gree

The rest is relying on potential. Jordan Poole and Juan Toscano-Anderson hav
e both shown promise in two years in their system. The lot of them have zero
playoff experience. The Warriors of old were relentless. They hit you in th
e mouth with Green and Bogut protecting the rim, Curry and Thompson barragin
g from deep. A bench full of starting-caliber players kept the party going,
and the Death Lineup finished you off for good.
接下來,勇士能夠依靠的就只有潛力和天賦了。 Poole和Anderson在過去一個賽季也取
得了進步。 但他們的季後賽是零經驗。過去的勇士隊內線擁有Green以及Bogut護框,側

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