mingonly (想要告訴你!)
2021-12-12 17:07:44Curry有望追平MVP最長間隔紀錄
If Curry goes on to win the MVP award, he would tieWilt Chamberlainfor the lar
gest gap between wins (six years) in NBA history. Curry, who will turn 34 in Mar
ch, also would become the third-oldest MVP in league history, trailingKarl Malo
nein 1999 and Michael Jordan in 1998.
就這次票選的結果來看,Curry拿到了100張第一選票中的94張。 如果能把這樣的個人數據
(6年)。 明年三月Curry就將年滿34歲,他也會成為史上第3老的MVP,僅次於1999年的馬
While Curry is firmly planted in the MVP spotlight,Los Angeles LakersstarLeBr
on James, another mainstay in the poll discussion, did not receive a vote for th
e first time across eight straw polls conducted since the 2016-17 season.To gaug
e where the race stands roughly 30% into the season
獲得一張選票。 不過這僅僅是例行賽打完30%左右賽程的票選
ESPN asked 100 media members to participate in an informal poll that mimics the
postseason award voting. To make the balloting as realistic as possible, there w
ere at least two voters from each of the league's 28 markets, along with a cross
-section of national and international reporters. As with the NBA's official vot
e at the end of season, voters were asked to submit a five-player ballot, and re
sults were tabulated using the league's scoring system: 10 points for each first
-place vote, seven points for second, five points for third, three points for fo
urth and one point for fifth.
分,第二選票7分,第三選票5分,第四選票3分,第五選票1分。 最終再把各得票球員的總
分相加,得出排名。 在這100位投票人裡,30隊所在的28個球市至少每地有2人參加投票,