According toMarc Berman of the New York Post, the leadership of Julius Randle
— or the supposed lack thereof — is one of the most daunting problems the Knic
ks are facing right now:
紐約郵報記者Marc Berman近日指出尼克如今一大癥結是蘭德爾缺乏領導力
One source believes locker-room leadership has started to become an issue. Randl
e is not a born leader, self-admittedly the quiet type, as isDerrick Rose.
Other leadership candidates would be hard-pressed to be the team’s motivational
speaker:Kemba Walker, banished from the rotation; Evan Fournier, the strugglin
g French newcomer not known as an orator; Taj Gibson currently out of the playin
g mix.
其他本來能成為休息室領袖的球員,也各有各的問題:Kemba Walker跌出輪換;Evan Fourn
ier仍在掙紮中而無話語權;Taj Gibson因年事已高,在隊內也逐漸失去位置
“I think we’re all trying to get it turned around,’’ Randle said when asked
about the leadership. “We’re working at it and trying to get a better focus of
what we’re trying to do.’’
Thibodeau said. We want everyone doing the right things. That’s the best leader
ship you can have.
When you look at the team, there really isn’t an outspoken leader,’’ one NBA
source said. “You look at every team in the NBA, they have an outspoken leader.
Is there an outspoken leader or is everyone being too respectful to each other
and not wanting to voice their opinion?