mingonly (想要告訴你!)
2022-01-10 21:19:56丹尼綠:如果可以 我想收回那個防守
If I can take that play back, I would,” Green told Yahoo Sports on Sunday night
. “No one wants to see a great player go down, and no one wants to be the cause
of that. It wasn't intentional. I’m glad that he’s back. The game has missed
如果可以,我會收回那個防守動作, 沒人願意看到一位出色的球員受傷倒下,也沒人願意
導致對手受傷。 我不是故意的, 很高興他能夠回來,NBA不能沒有他。
“When it first happened, I thought I blocked the ball,” Green told Yahoo Sport
s. “I thought it was a clean block and then he went down, I was like, ‘Man, he
’s hurt. Let me make sure he’s OK.’ Some of the guys on the sidelines were up
set. A lot of fans were upset. Obviously, I got a lot of backlash for it. But I'
m trying to make a clean play on the ball, and I just wanted to make sure he was
good. ... And then he came back on the court to shoot his free throws, and that
's when I thought he was fine.
完了,他受傷了。 我必須先確定他沒事。 場邊的人很沮喪,球迷也都很不爽,我因此受
到了很多的針對。 但我那時候確實只是想乾淨的防下那個球,只想確保他沒事。 然後他回
“I didn't know that he tore anything until after the game, which was a tough bl
ow. It was tough to hear what was being said, but I didn't look at myself as the
victim. My concern was for him. Their fans are great fans. They’re going to en
courage their team. And anybody that tries to hurt or do anything to the other 1
0 or 13 players, they're gonna fight for them. So, I got some heated emotions fr
om some of the fans, but every time I've spoken about the incident, I've stated
that it was not purposeful at all.”
受害者,我關心的是他。 勇士的球迷很棒,他們會繼續支持他們的球隊。 任何試圖傷害勇
士球員或做對勇士球員不利的事情的人,他們都會為之奮戰。 所以在這件事情上,我看到
He's a great player, so I never doubted that. He’s a true warrior, no pun inten
ded. A lot of people, including myself and the fans, are excited that he’s back
. We’ve all been looking forward to seeing Klay be the Klay that we have known
him to be.”
他是一名出色的球員,是一個真正的勇士,沒有雙關語的意思。 很多人,包括我和球迷,
都對他的回歸感到興奮。 我們一直期待看到我們所熟悉的KT回歸。