mingonly (想要告訴你!)
2022-02-23 00:33:10湖人不願給DDR3年合約 最終選擇威少
ESPN RamonaShelbourne
LeBron wants to win wherever he has been . He put a lot of pressure on the organ
ization. There was a choice they had in the offseason between Buddy Hield, Russe
ll Westbrook and DeMar DeRozan
無論在哪裡詹姆斯都想要贏,他一直都會給管理層施加許多壓力。 他們在休賽季面臨Buddy
Hield、Russell Westbrook和DeMar DeRozan之間的選擇
The Lakers chose Russell Westbrook and LeBron James Anthony Davis were part of t
hat choice, but one of the other choices, DeMar DeRozan, never got to that point
because the Lakers were unwilling giving three years, which is what he ended up
getting in Chicago, on a new contract for DeMar. So, this is you at the time, i
t was okay because they had the Westbrook option and the was what everyone was o
n board with. But when things don't go well, you go circle back and you think ab
out the things that they've said no on.
湖人選擇了Russell Westbrook,而詹姆斯和AD也在一定程度上參與了那次的選擇。 但引援
最終在芝加哥拿到新合約。 在當時,這沒問題,因為當時他們有Westbrook的選擇,這也是
大家都同意的。 但當事情進展沒有兌現時,你就會回想起拒絕過的事情