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2022-04-15 21:19:59Poole今年續約可能高達4年9千萬
Some salary-cap experts expect Herro’s next contract, which will start with the
2023-24 season, will be a maximum deal in the four-year, $143 million range. Th
ough Poole isn’t quite yet at that level, he could get closer with a big postse
據工資帽專家預計,Herro很可能會獲得一份四年1.43億美元的頂薪合約。 雖然Poole達不
Keith Smith, a salary-cap expert for Spotrac, estimates that Poole is in line fo
r a four-year, $90 million extension offer from the Warriors this summer. If he
averages 20-plus points per game on solid efficiency for a team that makes a tit
le push, that offer might need to be north of four years and $100 million.
Such a spike would be far from ideal for the Warriors, who are poised to stare d
own a 2023-24 payroll — luxury tax included — in the $500 million range. To pu
t that into context, Golden State has the largest total payroll in NBA history t
his season at roughly $346 million.
But unlike Andrew Wiggins, James Wiseman and some of his other notable teammates
, Poole is an indispensable player for the Warriors. Barely old enough to buy a
beer, he averaged 23.4 points on 46.5% shooting (40.8% from 3-point range), 4.1
rebounds and 5.2 assists in 23 games after the All-Star break.
與Wiggins、Wiseman和其他一些隊友不同,Poole已經成為勇士不可或缺的球員。 在全明星
His 92.5% clip on free throws this season paced the NBA, and his defensive ratin
g ranked in the league’s top quarter. Perhaps most importantly, though, Poole u
nderstands how to complement Stephen Curry. The 15.2 net rating that Poole and C
urry posted together was second-best among the Warriors’ high-usage duos.
一。 最重要的是,Poole知道如何與Curry在進攻端互補。 兩人同時在場時,勇士淨勝15.2
Long lauded for his work ethic, Poole is improving at a rate seldom seen at the
sport’s highest level. Little more than a year ago, when he headed to the G Lea
gue for an extended stint, there were questions about whether he even deserved a
n NBA deal. Now, Poole is a franchise cornerstone with plenty of leverage in con
tract negotiations.
發展聯盟打過很長一段時間,外界甚至懷疑他是否配得上一份NBA合約。 然而,如今的Pool
The Warriors want to sign Poole to an extension this summer to keep him from bec
oming a restricted free agent in summer 2023. Given how quickly he is making str
ides, he could have a chance at a max offer with an extra year of seasoning.
勇士當然希望今年夏天就提前續約Poole,以防止他在2023年夏天成為受限制自由球員。 考
If it came to that, the Warriors would try to make the numbers work to match oth
er teams’ bids. But the sacrifices would be immense: unloading Wiggins, perhaps
even parting ways with Wiseman.