只要在 4 月 7 日(六) 直播期間 ( 晚上 7 時 ~ 11 時)
在直播中留下你的 UID 並註明中/英文版玩家
必定會得到【2000 友情點數 及 25 萬金幣】
獎品將會在 4 月 11 日(三)【每日更新】後派送
請於【社群】>【獎賞】領取。每組 UID 只會獲獎一次喔~大家不用一直重複留言
正確的留言 : UID 866699565 中文版
錯誤的留言 : UID 866,699,565
注意 : UID 數字請勿使用全形文字及數字間請勿加入逗號,否則將無法兌獎,獎品亦不會
注意 : 如果玩家的留言 UID 上沒有註明是中文版或英文版,將一律視為中文版玩家並安排
You can leave a comment with your UID and ZH/EN version below the LIVE video ( 1
9:00 , 7 Apr ) and you will be rewarded 2000 Friend Point and 250,000 coins . (M
ake sure that you are on the right video held on the Facebook page for ZH versio
n. Otherwise, we won’t be able to send you the rewards.)
For the upcoming LIVE video, the rewards will be sent to Summoners on 11 Apr 201
8 (Wed). Please leave your comment in the format below:
EN/ZH Version UID:
EN Version UID: 12345678
for English version players
ZH Version UID: 12345678
for Traditional Chinese version players
If you have not left the version (either ZH or EN) in your comment, you will be
treated as ZH version user and given the reward.