下個月要考試了,希望有高手可以幫幫我,感激不盡 >///<
1. 以下有關古典制約與操作制約的描述,何者為是?
a. 操作制約學習是刺激-反應的關係,古典制約學習是刺激-刺激的關係
b. 操作制約學習是反應-反應的關係,古典制約學習是刺激-刺激的關係
c. 操作制約學習是刺激-反應的關係,古典制約學習是刺激-反應的關係
d. 操作制約學習是刺激-刺激的關係,古典制約學習是刺激-反應的關係
2. 以下哪一種認知效果使得我們判斷「麻雀屬於一種鳥類」會比判斷「企鵝屬於一中鳥
類」要快? 《希望可以順便解釋一下其他選項的意義》
a. 促發效果(priming effect)
b. 監控效果(monitoring effect)
c. 典型性效果(typicality effect)
d. 類別效果(categorical effect)
3. The brain`s most sensitive signal of nutrient availability comes from the?
a. bloodstream
b. intestines
c. liver
d. stomach
4. Which of the following is the best illustration of the interaction between
heredity and environment in human development?
a. Parents who encourage independence produce competent children
b. All babies can walk by the age of 14 months
c. Chinese and Russian babies learn to speak different languages at about the
same age
d. Boy in our culture are eager to play with dolls
5. You must continually decide which stimuli you should focus on, what
features of the stimuli you should note , where the stimuli are in space and
must be able to extract critical features of the stimulus. This process is
a. Perspective
b. Transduction
c. Attention
d. Visual processing
6. Group with whom we identify are called our ______ groups.
a. Identification
b. Ideal
c. Reference
d. Normative
1. 心理學家將理論中的概念的意義標準化的過程稱為?
a. theorize
b. operationalization
c. variation
d. none of the above
2. 下列何者為心理學實驗法可能會影響研究結論有的混淆因素(confounding variable)?
a. random control
b. operational definition
c. validity
d. expectancy effects