※ 引述《hugesox (阿銘)》之銘言:
: _ _ ^ _
: 1.若空間任意點電場B=Ar x k 其中r是該點的位置向量,A是個常數,則經過一個位於xy平面,
: 以原點為中心,半徑為R的圓圈的淨電流為?
0,因為磁通量為0,原因是 電磁場B永遠平行XY平面
: 2.若一平面電磁波電場振幅為100V/m,則其電廠振幅為?T
= =,答亦所問,但是單位是T,你是想問電磁場吧?
: 3.總質量為M的火箭,以30度仰角發射,初速V射出,達最高點時與發射原點的水平距離
: 為D,並於最高點分成2個等質量的部份,其中一部份自由落下,請問另一部份落地時,
: 與發射點的水平距離為?
: 4.Consider the RC circuit that has been
: disconnected for a very long time before switching
: on at the time t = 0.
: (a) Find the voltage across the capacitor right after
: switching on the switch S.
0 V
: (b) Find the initial current I(0) that flows through the
: resistor 4歐姆t = 0
5/4 A
: (c) Find the current I(t) that flows through the
: resistor 4歐姆 t > 0
I(t)=5/4 *exp(-4t/3) + 5/12*[1-exp(-4t/3)] A
: (d) Find the current I(t) that flows through the
: resistor 8歐姆 t > 0
I(t)=5/12 *[1-exp(-4t/3)] A
: 圖在下
: _____電阻(4歐姆)____/ S______________
: | | |
: | | |
: | 電阻(8歐姆) 電容(0.5F)
: 電池(5V) | |
: | | |
: |___________________________|_________|
: 5.Consider a system of 1 mole of
: oxygen gas at temperature 1000 oC. The oxygen
: gas undergoes free expansion and triples its volume.
: Find the entropy change in the free expansion.