今天收到SEVIS portal寄來的通知如下:
Broadcast Message: Reporting Volunteer Positions During OPT Employment
To: Students on OPT
Date: June 01, 2018
Re: Reporting Volunteer Positions During OPT Employment
Number: 1805-01
General Information
Volunteer positions that are not directly related to your course of study do n
ot qualify as optional practical training (OPT) and must not be listed as OPT
employment. Reporting non-qualifying volunteer opportunities as OPT employment
will be deemed a violation of your reporting requirements and subject you to
removal from the United States.
In addition, non-qualifying volunteer positions do not stop the accrual of une
mployment which is limited to a total of 90 days during OPT. Accordingly, if y
ou have been unemployed for more than 90 days, you must leave the United State
s or be subject to removal even if you have volunteered while unemployed.
Note: A volunteer position does not meet the conditions of a science, technolo
gy, engineering and mathematics OPT extension. Any questions related to qualif
ying OPT employment or accrual of unemployment should be discussed with your d
esignated school official (DSO) or addressed to the SEVP Response Center by ca
lling 800-892-4829 or emailing [email protected]