之前有發文請教F身份到期後繼續留美國的辦法 (文章標題:F1結束後用ESTA再入境間隔時間及滯留天數) 在版上得到最可行的建議是用I-539轉B身份 告知校方後校方不太建議這個做法 並提到一個USCIS的新政策 去信後校方再次回信,並稍微詳細說明這個新政策(今年五月公布,八月施行) 包括這個官方連結: https://www.nafsa.org/_/file/_/amresource/ulpntaseries1.pdf 跟我比較有關的是p.11 I-539 最終沒通過可能導致的非法居留後果 非法居留超過180天會被禁止進入美國三年、一年或以上禁止進入十年 (但如果通過的話就沒影響,p.6) 我不太知道舊的規定 看起來新制的影響是若沒有通過,超出的居留時間會導致往後一段時間無法入境 但好像沒說180天內離境會有什麼影響? (總得給人家留時間打包離開吧?舊制也這樣不是嗎?) 也就是說如果我提早申請(九月底入境,十二月初就申請,F身份應該是到十二月底) 就算最終沒通過應該也不至於會有什麼後果吧? 因為學校人員看起來滿擔心的,但我覺得不見得會有什麼影響... 附上校方人員的說明: There are three new memos that came out recently and affect how change of status is approached. USCIS has now discretion to deny application without even issuing Requests for Further Evidence. Second, if the Change of Status application is denied they will start counting unlawful presence in the US starting from when your F-1 status ended. Third, you may be issued a notice to appear in front of an immigration judge, that can result in having to leave the US immediately, and depending on the length of unlawful presence also being barred from returning. Please, take a look at this resource: https://www.nafsa.org/_/file/_/amresource/ulpntaseries1.pdf. Again if you did hold F-1 status by the time the application for COS is reviewed it will be denied.
作者: cchris (cruising Panama Canal) 2018-08-02 10:44:00