Re: [北美][F1 ][M1 ] 100%線上課程學生不能進入或待在美國

作者: shinli256 (李明)   2020-07-13 23:18:15
Last Updated: July 7, 2020
This document provides answers to frequently asked questions from Student and
Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) stakeholders about the program’s guidance
for F and M students and SEVP-certified schools for the fall 2020 semester.
Note: SEVP continues to actively monitor the evolving situation related to
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and provide up-to-date information to
stakeholders, including designated school officials (DSOs) and F and M
students. Due to the fluid nature of this situation, the answers in this
document may be subject to change. Refer to for the most
up-to-date version of this FAQ.
註:SEVP正持續積極地監視新型冠狀病毒肺炎(COVID-19)相關的發展的情況,並向指定的學校官員(DSO)和F和M學生等利益相關者提供最新信息。 由於這種情況的不確定性,本文檔中的答案可能會有所更改。 有關此FAQ的最新版本,請參閱。
Shift from COVID-19 guidance to fall 2020 guidance
1. Why did the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) adopt this policy for
the fall 2020 semester and change from the spring semester approach?
A: In the spring semester, DHS was faced with an urgent need to address
challenges in this area mid-semester as the COVID-19 situation began
evolving. Heading into a new semester this fall, DHS is adopting a new
approach to carefully balance public health concerns against the varied
approaches that schools and universities are taking to combat the spread of
由於COVID-19疫期在春季學期期間開始發展,DHS採取了緊急應變措施。 隨著新學期到來,DHS將採用新的方針以謹慎地在公共衛生問題以及各級學校為防止COVID-19傳播而採取的各種不同方法之間取得平衡。
2. When does the new fall 2020 guidance take effect?
A: SEVP’s guidance for fall 2020 will take effect at the start of a school’s
defined fall semester.
3. Will the new fall 2020 guidance supersede SEVP’s current COVID-19 guidance?
If so, when will the current COVID-19 guidance no longer be in effect?
最新公布的《2020年秋季準則》會取代SEVP當前的《COVID-19準則》嗎? 當前的《COVID-19準則》又將在何時失效?
A: Yes, the new fall 2020 guidance will supersede SEVP’s current COVID-19
guidance located at However, SEVP’s current COVID-19
guidance will remain in effect through the end of a school’s summer semester.
Interagency coordination
1. Did DHS coordinate with its government partners prior to issuing guidance for
fall 2020?
A: Yes, DHS worked closely with its component agencies and partners at the U.S.
Department of State prior to issuing guidance for the fall 2020 semester.
The health and safety of all students is of the utmost importance. A working
group, which consisted of representatives from several government agencies,
assessed the use of continued remote learning by nonimmigrant students in
light of COVID-19. The group determined that three options—remote learning
from outside the United States, in-person classes and a hybrid model that
combined both in-person and online classes—provided the best options for
flexibility for nonimmigrant students to continue education with health risks
associated with international travel at this time. DHS also coordinated with
the Department of State on issues related to visa issuance and U.S. Customs
and Border Protection on issues related to the port of entry process.
所有學生的健康和安全至關重要。數個政府機關派出代表組成工作小組,根據COVID-19對非移民學生使用持續遠程學習的情況進行了評估。 該小組評估以下三種選擇──在美國境外遠程學習、傳統現場教學、結合兩者的混合模式──能為非移民學生提供彈性選擇,讓他們在國際旅行的健康風險下得以繼續學業。DHS也與DOS就簽證核發事宜協調,並與美國海關與邊境保護局(CBP)就入境口岸相關事宜協調。
Nonimmigrant Students
Maintaining student records
1. Are students attending schools that are entirely online barred from attending
that school?
A: No. Students will not be permitted to enter or remain in the United States to
attend such schools but they are not barred from continuing to attend all
classes at these schools from abroad. This approach balances students’
ability to continue their studies while minimizing the risk of spread of
COVID-19 in our communities by ensuring that individuals who do not need to
be present in the United States are not physically here.
2. Can continuing F and M students study online outside the United States and
remain in Active status in the Student and Exchange Visitor Information
System (SEVIS)? Are designated school officials (DSOs) responsible for
maintaining these records?
現已就讀的F和M學生,接下來是否能在美國境外在線上學習,並在學生和交流訪問者資訊系統(SEVIS)中維持有效狀態? DSO是否負責維護這些記錄?
A: Yes, continuing F and M students may remain in Active SEVIS status while
studying online, outside the United States. As these students remain Active
in SEVIS, DSOs are responsible for maintaining these student records.
Form I-20, “Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status”
1. Will SEVP still allow electronic Form I-20 issuance for the fall 2020
A: Yes, SEVP will still allow electronic Form I-20 issuance for the fall
semester, and DSOs may electronically send Forms I-20 to student email
addresses listed in SEVIS.
In the case of students who are minors, the email address may belong to their
parent or legal guardian. Schools do not need to request permission from SEVP
or report their plans to electronically send Forms I-20 as part of their fall
2020 semester procedural changes.
2. What do DSOs need to annotate on the Form I-20 for students attending hybrid
schools? Where should DSOs annotate this information on the Form I-20?
A: As noted in Broadcast Message: COVID-19 and Fall 2020, all students attending
schools in the United States this fall 2020, DSOs must issue new Forms I-20
to each student certifying that the school is not operating entirely online,
that the student is not taking an entirely online course load for the fall
2020 semester, and that the student is taking the minimum number of online
classes required to make normal progress in their degree program. DSOs must
indicate this information in the Form I-20 Remarks field in SEVIS.
如《COVID-19準則》、《2020年秋季準則》所述,DSO必須向每位學生核發新的I-20表格,以註明學校並非完全在線運營、該學生在2020年秋季學期所受課程並非完全在線上進行,且該學生所修線上課程數有達到其學位學程正常所需的下限。 DSO須在SEVIS的I-20備註欄中註明以上訊息。
I-901 SEVIS Fee
I-901 SEVIS規費
1. Will students receive an I-901 SEVIS Fee refund if they paid the Fee, entered
the United States and now must leave?
如果學生已經繳交I-901 SEVIS規費並入境美國,而現在必須離開,是否能得到退款?
A: No, students will not receive an I-901 SEVIS Fee refund in this situation.
在這種情況下,學生將無法獲得I-901 SEVIS費用退款。
SEVP-certified Schools
Reporting school changes
1. By what date do schools need to submit operational change plans to SEVP? How
should these plans be submitted?
A: Schools that offer entirely online classes or programs or will not reopen for
the fall 2020 semester must complete an operational change plan and submit it
to [email protected] no later than Wednesday, July 15, 2020. The subject line
must read: “Fall 2020 (Fully Online/Will not Reopen) – School Name and
School Code.”
完全提供線上課程或學程的學校,以及在2020年秋季學期不開放的學校,必須擬定營運變更計劃,並於2020年7月15日星期三之前將其提交至[email protected]。主旨須為:“2020年秋季(完全線上/不重新開放)–學校名稱和學校代碼。”
Certified schools that will not be entirely online but will reopen in the
fall and that will use any of the following educational formats must update
their operational plans by August 1, 2020 and include whether they will be:
Solely in-person classes, or
Delayed or shortened sessions, or
A hybrid plan of in-person and remote classes.
Schools must submit these plans to: [email protected] with the subject line: “
Fall 2020 (in person/hybrid/modified session)- School Name and School Code.”
學校須將上述計劃繳交至:[email protected],主旨為:“ 2020年秋季(現場/混合/調整課程)-學校名稱和學校代碼”。
Please refer to the Optional COVID-19 School Reporting Template that schools
can use to report temporary procedural adaptations.
Schools should report subsequent changes within 10 days of the change.
2. Does the fall 2020 guidance apply to schools generally or programs
specifically? How should schools report information if certain university
components are fully online while others are hybrid (e.g., a university’s
medical school is hybrid while a business school is fully online)?
A: Reporting, generally, applies to a school. However, when a school’s
instructional methodology varies by either a program designation or degree or
by an instructional site, the school should indicate the differences.
3. Will schools receive confirmation or acknowledgment when SEVP receives their
operational change documents? Is there any possibility that SEVP would deny
or disapprove of a reported change by a school? If so, what happens in that
A: SEVP will send an email acknowledging receipt to each school that submits
procedural change documents and add the submitted information to the school’
s file. However, given the significant number of changes being requested,
SEVP cannot respond to every submission in detail. If SEVP has concerns that
the changes exceed permissible accommodations for COVID-19, it will contact
the school for clarification or revision.
SEVP將向每所提交報告的學校發送一封確認收到的電子郵件,並將提交的內容訊息附加到學校的資料中。但鑑於需要進行大量更改,因此SEVP無法詳細答覆每一份資料。 如果SEVP認為學校所提的計劃超出足以應對COVID-19的範圍,將與學校聯繫以要求解釋或修正。
4. Do schools that will not have any F or M students enrolled in the fall 2020
semester need to send procedural change documents to SEVP?
A: No, only schools with F or M students currently enrolled need to submit
procedural adaptation documents to SEVP.
SEVP Response Center Contact Information
SEVP 回覆中心聯絡方式
For general SEVP questions, case-specific questions and SEVIS technical help,
contact the SEVP Response Center (SRC). SRC offices are open Monday through
Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ET, except federal holidays.
○703-603-3400 or 1-800-892-4829 for general and case-specific questions.
一般問題和個案皆可洽 703-603-3400 或 1-800-892-4829
○[email protected] for general questions.
一般問題請洽 [email protected]
○[email protected] for SEVIS technical questions.
SEVIS 技術性問題請洽 [email protected]
作者: cassine (Savannah)   2020-07-14 00:00:00
作者: shinli256 (李明)   2020-07-14 06:23:00

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