5/2020 File H1B extension
6/2020 Approved
6/2020 但是過兩天收到 RFE letter
這中間公司律師就在確認到底是 Approved or RFE...
8/2020 RFE replied and received
9/2020 H1B expired
然後最近拿到offer想要跳槽 但是新公司的律師表示需要等現在的核准才可以
"Please be advised that we recommend waiting for the H-1B extension petition
to be approved before filing the H-1B change of employer petition. Because
your I-94 has expired, the H-1B change of employer petition is dependent on
the H-1B extension petition being approved. As such, there is a risk that if
we file the H-1B change of employer petition now, USCIS could issue an RFE
requesting proof that the H-1B extension has been approved. If the extension
petition is later denied or withdrawn by your employer, this may have an
adverse impact on the outcome of our company's H-1B change of employer
但問題就是 當初6月的時候因為USCIS更改決定(Approved to RFE)
Case status "Intent to Revoke" 原公司律師說不能加急了
想請問有別的辦法嗎? 如果新公司不願意等是不是就只能放棄offer?