一晃眼時間流逝 今天就是! 6週年!!
回首過去的時光 就算並非全都鮮明 但我能清晰地瞧見那些托各位的福而感到無比幸福的
在這段漫長的時間裡 總是待在那個位置 在我眼裡比任何人都要美麗地閃爍著光芒hh
將20歲的我盛裝在數以萬計的你們各自的人生中 而熱烈地給予應援與支持的這個事實 越
雖然在過去的時光裡 有著許多因為深愛著VIXX而幸福, 並感到快樂的事情 但在那之中也
有過辛苦與受傷的情況對吧? 我認為支持並愛著某人並不是件容易的事. 儘管如此 各位
仍舊這樣長時間作為那種存在守候於此 真心地感謝你們. 因為明白那份心意的珍貴與美
好 就算是為了我的自我滿足 也絕對想要報答各位 這對於我努力創作音樂與打造舞台的
或許偶爾也會有認為這只是自己單方面的心意 因而感到苦澀的瞬間吧. 也有過一切好像
我想說的是 絕對不會是那樣的. 總是想著各位 想要做好 想要展現好的面貌 想著若是各
位能感受到這樣的心意的話就好了 就這樣揣懷真心活動著. 我們確實是一起閃爍著光芒
度過了在16歲時因夢想著音樂而開始的我的10年 如今因為做音樂而得到了喜愛. 我認為
26歲的我仍然懷抱著新的夢想 描繪著未來. 想比以前更具體更感性 還想要負起更多責任
呢hh 雖然也會擔心做得到嗎 但相信著會成功而努力行動這件事 和10年前並沒有什麼不
同. 臉好像也長得差不多kkkkk
哪裡還有到了26歲仍會對我說你最童顏的人嗎kkkkk童顏之路似乎比想像中來得遠.. kk
反正我沒有這種欲望 沒關係的kk
總之! 真心的祝賀6週年 能夠和各位一起分享對於這個紀念日的喜悅 我感到很幸福.
往後也要一直健康幸福且美麗地閃耀哦 我們!
May 24th
It’s a very special and meaningful date for us, right?
Time flew by before we knew it, and TODAY marks the 6th anniversary of our deb
ut!! It's already been six years, or 2,190 days, since we started shining toge
When I look back on the past, I can’t remember every detail clearly, but I ca
n clearly recall the memories and emotions that were filled with happiness bec
ause of you all. You shined more beautifully, in my eyes, than anyone else, ho
lding your ground for what could be considered a long time.
The more I begin to understand it, the harder it is to believe that you invite
d the 20-year-old me into each one of your lives to cheer on and support.
I’m sure there were happy and joyful moments that came from supporting VIXX,
but in those moments I know there were also difficult and hurtful times. It ca
n’t be an easy task to stand by and give your love to someone. I’m truly gra
teful that, despite it all, you still allow a special place in your heart for
me, for so long. Because I know how valuable and precious that is, though I’m
sure it was also partly for my own satisfaction, I’ve always wanted to give
back to you, which was a big reason why I worked so hard to make music and per
Perhaps there were times when you felt like that the feeling wasn’t mutual an
d felt lonely. And maybe you felt empty and meaningless as well?
I want to tell you that that’s not true. I’ve always thought of you all, wan
ted to do my best, be my best, and put my whole heart in everything I did, hop
ing that you could feel my sincerity. We were certainly shining together!
I started dreaming of pursuing music around 16, and ten years later, am receiv
ing love as a musician. I feel that it’s all thanks to you guys.
The 26-year-old me is still dreaming new dreams and painting a future, and str
iving to be more specific, sensible, and responsible than before. I sometimes
wonder if I can do it; but moving forward, trusting that it will all work out
hasn’t changed from ten years ago… and neither has my face it seems like. Wh
ere are all the people who said I would be the youngest-looking member when I
’m 26? It seems like the journey to getting a baby face is a long one. Not th
at I particularly desire to have one.:)
Anyway, sincere congrats on our 6th year anniversary, and I’m happy to be abl
e to share the joy of this special day with you all. Let’s keep healthy, happ
y, and shining bright always! I love you Starlights