SULAjardin (愛與勇氣比基尼戰士)
2016-10-19 22:58:30遊戲 遊戲內畫質設定 SteamVR超採設定 備註
A Chair in a Room : X 1.8
A Legend of Luca X 2.3
A-10 VR X 1.5
Annie Amber X 1.7
Armed against the Undead X 1.8
AudioArena X 3
Awesome Obstacle Challenge X 3
Bazaar X 3
BellyBots X X 遊戲畫面不受超採影響
Blarp X 1.5
Blasters of the Universe X 1.5 最新顯卡驅動: 1.7
369.XX版驅動: 1.5
Blue Effect VR SS: 56%, 1
Catlateral Damage X 3
Cloudbound X 1.15
Cloudlands: VR Minigolf X 1.4
Cosmic Trip X 1.4
Cosmos Crash VR X 2.1
Crystal Rift X 2.2
Cyberpong VR X 1.7
Cyberthreat Good 1
Dead Secret X 2.5
Deadlock X 1.2
Dexed Ultra 1.7
Directionless X 1.7
Duckpocalypse X 2
Edge Guardian X 1.7
Everest VR SS: 1.5 1 如果不介意hillary step那關
Multi-res: 2 觸發 reprojection,
Weather: 1.0 遊戲內SS可開到1.7
LOD: 1
Evil Robot Traffic Jam HD 1.6
AA,AO,HD Shaders,Dynamic Light: ON,
Realtime Shadows, Bloom: Off
Fancy Slingshot VR X 1.5
Fantastic Contraption X 1.7
Fast Action Hero Fast 1.3
Final Approach X 1.25
Fruit Ninja VR X 1.8
Galaxy Golf X 2.8
Guardian War VR X 1 LAG到不想碰超採
Gunjack X 1.9
H3VR (Hot Dogs, ......) X 1.4
Holoball X 1.4 Holopoint X 1.6 讀取時會LAG之後不會
Inbound X 1.3 可以設更高,但某些情況
FPS會狂掉, 1.3可忍受.
Invasion X 1.4
Island 359 SS: 1.6, 1
View Distance, AA,
Post Processing, effects: High,
Shadows, Foliage: low
Jeeboman X 1.6
Job Simulator X 1.8
Kittypocalypse Awesome 1.8
La Peri X 1.4
Left Hand Path X 1.5 第2層會比較LAG
Light Repair Team #4 X 1.25
LightBlade VR X 1.15
Lumen X 3
MIND: Path to Thalamus X X 畫質差且不受超採影響,除非
尺寸調到150%, 然後關掉用
VR模式開遊戲, 會改善畫質.
Minesweeper VR X 1.2
Music Inside 2 1 SteamVR超採不影響遊戲
Onward Default 1.25 夜戰降到1.0, 因使用夜視
Out of Ammo Resolution : Ultra X 遊戲畫面不受超採影響
Texture: Ultra
Paddle Up X 2.3 Final Frontier map
Perfect Angle X 2.4
Pierhead Arcade SS: Middle of small U 1 必須設Reprojection On
Quality: 5
Ping Pong Waves Eleven VR X 2.1
Pong It VR! X 2
Pool Nation VR 2.1 1
Quar: Battle for Gate 18 High 1.3 如果能忍受最LAG的主選單,
Quick Draw High 2.5
Raw Data SS: 1.3, 1
AA: Low,
Post-Process: High,
Shadows: Low,
Texture: Epic,
Effects: Epic,
Distance: Far,
Multi-Res: 0
Richie's Plank Experience X 1.8 設Reprojection On 時,
Soundboxing X 2
Sword Master VR X 1.6 選單畫面會掉FPS,
The Assembly X 1.5
The Brookhaven Experiment 2 1 SteamVR超採不影響遊戲
The Crystal Nebula X 2
The Gallery - ...... SS: 1.8, 1
Quality Preset: High,
The Last sniper VR X 1.1
The Nest Very High 1.6
The Thrill of the Fight X 2
theBlu X 1.3 必須Reprojection on
VR Escape the space ... X 2
VRythm X 1.4
實測文章來源: https://goo.gl/FWDk1r
補充: 遊戲內有SS設定時, 不能從steamVR開超採(改回1)